In order to get ready to invest in a horse farm to supply the American market, Rick Ross rides horses

It looks like Rick Ross is experimenting with a few different modes of transportation. which instead of flashy new cars with hundreds of horsepower is just one horse this time. The animal didn’t like it.

Rick Ross is the owner of an amazing collection of classic cars. He used to drive many Rolls-Royces and Ferraris around his large property, which he calls “The Promise Land,” but he is now buying a new car. the real stuff.

In the music video for “Horsing Around,” the rapper, entrepreneur, and musician gallops his horse around his yard while struggling to hold onto the reins. The horse didn’t seem to be eager to put up with him. It looked like things were not going well for either of them, even though the horse seemed to be in more pаin. Some said the horse seemed really miserable, while others supported the rapper.

It seems like Rick Ross was aware of how poorly he rode. He then said, “Horse trainers DM me.” Probably a good many of them did.

It is hardly surprising, however, that he is still not a very good horseman. He proves that there’s always something new to discover. Ross, one of the most well-known car owners, has over 100 cars in his workshops and only got his driver’s license this year. He is forty-five years old. He used to casually admire his cars from the backseat, like the boss he is.

He has 87 acres of land, so I wouldn’t be stunneԀ if he started driving any of the cars in his garage again, whether it a flirty Rolls-Royce or a vintage Chevrolet. He wouldn’t need a second car to get around. And maybe, just maybe, they won’t mind having horsepower instead of animals.