The luxurious house that Ronaldo and his girlfriend live in has two Olympic-sized swimming pools

The fаncy house that was built for Ronaldo has two swimming pools the size of the Olympic rings!

Come into the world of luxury with Cristiano Ronaldo as he thinks about adding the crown jewel to his already impressive property portfolio: a mesmerizing $170M idea house that is the pinnacle of building luxury.

It is well known that Cristiano Ronaldo likes to buy expensive houses. One of these is a seven-story beauty with two Olympic-sized swimming pools and a football field. AI has now been used by the smart engineers at MANSIONISTI to build a house that could be the top jewel in Ronaldo’s real estate business.

Inside the crazy $170m concept house generated by AI for RonaldoThis concept house, poised to grace the Saudi Arabian landscape, is a testament to Ronaldo’s discerning taste, perhaps as an alternative to his current $250,000-a-month hotel suite.

Inside the crazy 0m concept house generated by AI for Ronaldo

The outside has the charm of a traditional house, with a large outdoor area that goes all the way around, an infinity pool that makes you want to rest, and many places to lay out in the sun. If you’re worried about the harsh Saudi sun or the lack of pool space, don’t be. There is a whole indoor pool room ready for you.

Inside the crazy 0m concept house generated by AI for Ronaldo

This amazing piece of architecture is a perfect mix of technology and classical beauty, with traditional Saudi designs woven in beautifully. The grand main hall sets the tone with its grand double stairs and huge chandelier that makes you want to show respect.

In the idea house, there is a games room that honors Ronaldo’s football skills. It has a big screen, plush La-Z-Boys, and a huge foosball table in the middle.

On the other hand, this luxurious haven has more to offer. There is an amazing spa room with a bath made completely of shiny gold waiting for you. And because it’s Ronaldo, there has to be a home gym. Thanks to its floor-to-ceiling windows and a large selection of machines, this gym has everything Ronaldo and his whole family needs to stay fit.

Inside the crazy 0m concept house generated by AI for RonaldoInside the crazy 0m concept house generated by AI for Ronaldo

In real life, Ronaldo is in charge of building a $35 million home in Lisbon, Portugal. The project has been going on for three years and has already made some neighbors angry. Some might sаy, though, that it’s time to drop that project and order this dream house instead—a concept house that perfectly captures Cristiano Ronaldo’s lavish way of life.