Admire the collection of cars MC Mbakara often uses to take his wife and children to eat fried chicken on weekends

Mc Mbakara, a Nigerian content producer, comedian, actor, and MC, as well as an entrepreneur, rose to prominence within the Nigerian community as a result of the funny films he posted on the internet. In addition to this, he collaborates with his wife, Lolo Mbakara, as well as a number of content creators, one of which is Ugo Eaglet.

Admire the collection of cars MC Mbakara often uses to take his wife and children to eat fried chicken on weekends

Mc Mbakara, a Nigerian content producer, comedian, actor, and MC, as well as an entrepreneur, rose to prominence within the Nigerian community as a result of the funny films he posted on the internet. In addition to this, he collaborates with his wife, Lolo Mbakara, as well as a number of content creators, one of which is Ugo Eaglet.

Admire the collection of cars MC Mbakara often uses to take his wife and children to eat fried chicken on weekends

Admire the collection of cars MC Mbakara often uses to take his wife and children to eat fried chicken on weekendsAdmire the collection of cars MC Mbakara often uses to take his wife and children to eat fried chicken on weekendsAdmire the collection of cars MC Mbakara often uses to take his wife and children to eat fried chicken on weekends